What is so special about this flower?Why a sunflower?Why does it sometimes feel like the only thing to paint?In the middle of this cold seasonIn a place covered in all different shades of blueIs it my heart’s way of showing its longing for the hazy summer days,or just my mind…
When things go wrong.
“with a cup of tea in your hand, anything is possible” The beginning of November has been a little bit intense. I am working on new products for my shop, I am trying to find a part time job, I am attending classes twice a week at the university and…
Some snowflakes to you!
It is not the cold yet around here but maybe I missed Snowflakes and how it warms me in the strangest ways. My desk has been full of winter and snowy landscape and cityscapes. Probably will try and sketch some seascapes in snow soon as well. The first two paintings…
About momentariness
Have you ever tried to touch a ray of sunlight? Does it feel safe? Does it feel warm? Never in my life have I been able to catch one. I have seen many of course, in different lengths, in variety of colors even. I have felt their presence but never…
To all the new places to be discovered.
There is a fear I almost always feel when I am about travel, wether in sea or land, by bus, plane or a train. It is not Acrophobia nor Thalassophobia, or any other kind of phobia. It is just extreme feeling of uncertainty that rush through me the minute i am…
When the sun is about to set.
Just today it was that I figured out that serene voice. It is a voice of love, of safety, a voice that carries within its waves the laughter of kids, birds whispers, the sways of the trees. It carries summer laziness and dreams that lay in haze. It is a…
How to stop wasting time.
I am in my living room because it is way too hot in my studio at this time of the day. Next to the open window, the sun is hiding somewhere behind the buildings, my playlist of classical music is on, the sweet creamy coffee is filling the mug just…
Memories are a thing of magic.
A melody that resembles a rocking horse, a carousel, merry-go- round may be more like it. I take a sip of my coffee and stand by the window, the melody is all I hear now, the sun is setting, or it might be just rising because I had a coffee…
Raindrops in July
Some nights I can’t sleep, it almost like the sun is still up and awake in me, I feel like there is no need to sleep yet. My mind is working and my heart is pounding so fast it’s almost impossible to fall a sleep, it is. Some nights, even…
Road trip and a Farm house.
Last week we took a few days off and went on a little getaway, a road trip kinda thing. Our destination was a farm house that is 16 hour drive away. On our way we saw all kind of creatures, we listen to many many songs and we eat a…