Have you ever tried to touch a ray of sunlight?
Does it feel safe? Does it feel warm?
Never in my life have I been able to catch one. I have seen many of course,
in different lengths, in variety of colors even.
I have felt their presence but never been able to reach out to it, to feel its substance
Not a single one came close to me.
Because sun rays often feel like a quiet corner in and old cafe
A rotten table filled with dust and delicate withered yellow leaves
No one sits in this table at this time of the year
It is gloomy and dark, wind can come at any minute and make it all nonexistent.
A table under an ancient tree left with no foliage.
It is like a novel beautifully written but has no closure
You can never know what happens in the end.
A love letter sent to you with no return address
Like the things that came your way by mistake
by coincidence, or is it called fate?
You are only left with your imagination and memory
To feel it,
to know it,
to be able to notice it over and over again.