Another end of the month, a new update.
I am in my bed, still in my PJ’s. it is almost two in the afternoon. Daniel should be up from his nap at any moment now, I just opened my laptop and start typing.
My original plan was to go for a nap, and after my nap I’d go to have my coffee in a café nearby while my husband looks after Dani since he is home today. But I couldn’t take a nap, I couldn’t leave my bed either so here I am.
August was soo so eventful, hot, productive, exhausting and nice.
I can possibility describe it in many different words because so much has happened.
I am back to teaching, family members came visiting from Jordan and my husband’s work schedule was extremely with extra night shifts in August so I spent have of the month if not more alone with my baby for the most part.
Probably getting back to giving art classes was the highlight of it, I’ve missed it and it feels great to plan for classes and see student’s improving and having fun. On the other hand, It took alittle more from my studio time during the rest of the week.
Even though we still need to be extremely cautious but since most of play areas, cafés ,parks had reopen it’s gates and with family members visiting here, we have been spending a lot of time out this past few weeks since. Daniel is growing so fast, he’s waking, he’s social, fast, and interesting in so many things at the moment as he gains new skills on a daily basis. Watching him change and grown and express is the most rewarding and heartwarming thing ever I swear.
More sketchy stories, still enjoying these. I think I mentioned it before but even though it might seems as I am copying a photo, what happen is the exact opposite. honestly doing these sketches makes me feel more creative in away. I can change the main color palette in the reference photo, I can add or emit stuff and also, the whole time I am sketching one of those moments, I relive in it and recall exactly what happened there, the time, the smell, the feeling.
Finally, I am back to tutorial writing, managed to put two new watercolor landscape tutorials, Few more then I will start looking into how I want to put them out to the world.
Oh also, there is a new landscape tutorial for beginners, I also made a new day in the life kind of Vlog just didn’t get to editing it yet.
Latest Artworks
In August I really strived to finished these two large paintings, that was my main goal. In the first week I finished the first one( Called; Nostalgia, a women with red scarf). Which is acrylic on 60×80 cm canvas.
The second on the other had took way much that I indented, still not finished! Reflecting on my process, the reason why is I am trying to paint this from a black and white reference, I am also trying to add in the background from my imagination so not just that I am trying to come up with a harmonious color palette but also to make a beautiful matching background to go with it. Which turned out to be challenge and requires a level of practice and a lot of time of trial and error to reach a pleasing result. So for now I stopped it and maybe will get back to it later.
Found some time to read
This montth I got back to reading, so I’ve finished this amazing book called “The power of the subconscious mind” by Joseph Murphay , it is uplifting and worth the read if you are in need for some little push to achieve your goals. The idea of it is nice reminder that gives you such relief and peace of mind when the things you aim for don’t happen.
I am currently reading a book called the motherhood of art, which is, omg sooooo relateable to my life nowadays. I am just enjoying it so much!
And finally, I Jordan Peterson! Not reading but been listening to his speeches,talks and debats nonstop! if you never did, please just go on YouTube and search his name, listen to any thing that comes up because seriously, all of his speeches are worth the listen.
And that’s it for August, hope you enjoy and that you had a beautiful month!
As always, thank you for being here.