on the third floor of a white building, with a flower crown on her dark hair,thinking of the smell of her mothers kitchen. like tea steam, like afternoon laughters. she loved the way sun rays was hitting a wooden table making it so warm, so vibrant in color.standing alone while everybody is moving…
Only in dreams
We meet in dreams, When everything is quiet, When the lights are shut off and the mind is at rest,But is it really at rest?We meet in a place I can’t seem to know how to reach,I don’t know the way to get there, I find my self with your presence out of…
Erased memories
She was sitting in front of her piano, Trying to play over an over that music she heard somewhere,She never properly learnt how to play, she just plays what her heart feels listening to the melody. He likes the way she plays the piano, misunderstood, slow, but with resilience. He came near the…
Eyes shut
What do I feel? How do I put it in words? What will ease the longing that fills my heart? How do I stop missing the glass of black tea?How do I stop thinking about the afternoon sun hitting walls of the farm house?How do I stop wishing for a…
To all the birds
With the breeze of a new morning I am back in time, sitting on the balcony, the sun is starting to give everything around some color. It is still so early in the day. and there is no sound, nobody is awake but all kind of birds; seagulls, crows, pigeons…
In front of a blank document again, at the end of the month. Just woke up from a short afternoon nap, after a very busy morning. My cup of coffee in the blue cup sitting next to me. Seagulls sounds traveling to my ear from the open window and I…
Another end of the month, a new update.I am in my bed, still in my PJ’s. it is almost two in the afternoon. Daniel should be up from his nap at any moment now, I just opened my laptop and start typing. My original plan was to go for a…
Wasn’t July the longest month in 2020? At least for me it was, the longest, the most eventful, the warmest. its Thursday, I am at my studio table having my second cup of coffee, just woke up form an afternoon nap. I was reviewing the month and planning august earlier…
I just put the little one to his morning nap. We woke up early as usual, I cooked Chinese at 7 AM for my husband as he has a 24hr work shift today, we had breakfast together then Daniel and I went to our usual morning walk. The weather is…
It’s almost nine o’clock. Daniel is playing in front of me, we just had our breakfast, apple almond porridge for me, cereal and fruits smoothie for him. Finishing what is left of my cold coffee now with the attempt to write this post. What happened in MayMay was quite productive…